Thursday, July 9, 2009

"It's the Little Things That Count"

I've been tagged by my friend Jess. The game goes as follows: List Six Unimportant Things That Make You Happy.

1. Going for a jog or a hike first thing in the morning before the sun comes up, and the only sounds around you are the birds chirping and the cows walking around in there pasture.

2. Seeing Blake kneel and pray before he goes to bed.

3. The sound of Sierra (my parents dog) snoring in Blake's and my bedroom at night.

4. Seeing Blake come home from work and getting a kiss and a hug hello.

5. Having FHE with Blake, my parents, and my sister (they call it family game night)

6. Sitting on my parents back porch and reading a book or magazine.


Charitons said...

Thanks for sharing Sheena! That was fun to read and by the way that picture of your parents' dog is so cute. It looks like she's going to start talking to you.

Stacie and Jared said...

I bet hearing Sierra snore makes Blake really happy too! ;)