Thursday, September 3, 2009

Things that make you go huh?!

Since we've been back in the beautiful town of Enumclaw (that's where my parents live) I've made some interesting observations. Did you know that when corn is growing the pom pom part of the husk is kind of a fushia color? Why is that, since when we buy corn after it's been harvested the pom pom part is a brownish-yellowish-green color. What is it with cows and there eating habits...1. Is the grass that much better underneath the barbed wire fence, or do they just live by the philosphy the grass is always greener on the other side? 2. When cows are lying down why do they continue to munch on the grass around them? Take a break from eating! I know totally random huh? It is, but each morning whether I'm going for a hike or jogging around the back roads of Enumclaw (by the way there are a ton of dairy farms in the "Claw") I'm surrounded by fields and crops, and each morning I happen to notice something more interesting than the last day. Stay tuned for more crazy observations from Enumclaw!


shaunie said...

I can enlighten you on some of your "huhs?" : The pom-pom part of the corn is called a tassel, and when you pick the corn, it dies and turns the dead color. Cows will eat whatever they can reach, and they go as far under (or through) the fence they can; and when they're laying down, their actually regurgitating the grass they've already eaten, and chewing it up more to aid digestion. (farm lingo for this is "chewing their cud"). Sheep and goats do it too. Now this can be a thing that makes you say "gross!"

Momma G. said...

That made me LOL! So funny! See you guys soon!

Hillary said...

Sounds alot like Montana! I hope you guys are having fun in Washington. I bet it is so exciting to finally move into a HOUSE soon! :)