Monday, December 5, 2011


This holiday season has been a weird one for me. I can't seem to get really excited about Christmas. We've decorated in the house, put up the tree, decorated the outside with Christmas lights...still nothing! I think as I get older the meaning of Christmas changes for me, but the worlds view stays the same. I feel like Christmas has become so commercialized and focused on spending tons of money to buy just the right gift. When Blake and I went to Europe I saw such a different way of living. There are so many people who live much simpler lives, with much less STUFF, and are so incredibly happy. I think it's easy to become focused on always wanting the next best thing, but does that really make us happy in the end?! I have been truly blessed in my life with a great family, wonderful husband, and the sweetest daughter, that I feel like I have everything I need to make me happy. I know that may sound cheesy, but life is good.